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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Tattoo Removal – Laser Skin Procedures Miami

Posted October 21, 2015 in Plastic Surgery

If you’re feeling regret over a tattoo, good news: modern medical technology has made it so unwanted ink can be erased using laser energy. How exactly does laser tattoo removal work?

When someone is getting a tattoo, ink pigments are deposited in the top layer of the skin tissue. The laser tattoo removal process operates on the concept of shattering the tattoo ink pigments into very small particles, which the body then naturally disposes of.

The heat energy of the laser specifically focuses on the ink pigments, leaving adjacent skin unharmed.

To arrange an appointment for a tattoo removal consultation, get in touch with our office. Dr. Daniel Careaga is an experienced Miami surgeon who can explain the procedure in greater detail and get you started with the process.
