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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Should Men Consider Surgical Facial Rejuvenation?

Posted August 03, 2020 in Facial Rejuvenation, Male Plastic Surgery

3 Minute Read: 

From body wash to skincare, science dedicated to the aesthetic advancement of men has only been on the rise. Facial rejuvenation with plastic surgery is often not as associated with men as it is with women; however, this is beginning to change. More than ever, men are considering facial plastic surgery and other procedures that can benefit their attractiveness. 

Man in front of mirror looking at his wrinkles

Enhanced Masculine Features

Men have always been concerned with their appearance, adopting barbershops and tailors to look their best. Now, it is no longer taboo for men to seek cosmetic help for their face so that they can look younger and more refreshed. 

Men are going under the knife to avoid signs of aging and enhance their masculine features. Modifying areas such as the jawline and chin for a stronger definition can make a man look more athletic and attractive. Reducing the appearance of a “double-chin” or “turkey neck” by combining a facelift with a neck lift can also significantly impact the youthful appearance of a man’s face. 

Nasolabial folds and lines around the cheek and mouth can make a face look older than it appears. By repositioning the skin in the midface, men can enjoy a smoother, leaner facial appearance.

Men who begin their journey with facelift surgery may also find great success with other plastic surgery procedures that enhance specific features of their faces. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), for example, can improve the form and function of the eyelids by removing skin and fat around the eyes. 

Nasal insecurities are also prevalent among men. Rhinoplasty can maintain the masculinity of the nose while correcting minor issues with shape, size, and definition. 

Candidacy and Concerns for a Male Facelift

There are many different scenarios that might cause men to be suitable candidates for facelift surgery. For example, the transitions that men face in their midlife often prompt them to consider the facelift. How men look can determine the quality of their life, helping them get back on the dating or interview scene, and helping them combat the changes in their faces caused by strenuous work environments or a lack of sleep. 

While men make for great candidates, facelift surgery for men does come with additional concerns. Men have a higher risk for blood pooling in the face area after surgery, also known as hematoma. This is because men’s thicker skin and facial hair cause them to have a higher blood supply in the face than women do. 

A professional surgeon with proper experience with male faces can significantly decrease the chances of complications before and after treatment. Incision points have to be designed with a clear strategy, accommodating for men who shave and have facial hair that raises towards the ear (the typical site for incisions in women).

Interested in Learning More About Facelift Surgery for Men?

To learn more about powerful facelift surgery techniques for men, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Careaga or Dr. Durand at Careaga Plastic Surgery by calling (305) 960-7511 or filling out this form.
