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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Are Gummy Bear Implants the Right Choice for You?

Posted August 31, 2022 in Breast Augmentation

3 Minute Read: 

When deciding on the details of your breast augmentation procedure, you and your surgeon will review all your options, and there are many decisions about your procedure specifics that must be made.

In addition to deciding the appropriate implant size, you will also need to choose your implant material (saline or silicone) and implant shape. 

A pretty woman wearing a bra.

While all of these aspects of breast enhancement surgery are important, the implant choice is definitely high on that list. 

Many women tend to prefer silicone implants due to their natural look, feel and stability. However, simply choosing silicone over saline is not enough because there are many types of silicone implants. 

One of the most popular options is a highly cohesive silicone implant known as a gummy bear implant. 

How Do Gummy Bear Breast Implants Differ From Other Options?

In the past, you had two breast implant choices and only one option for shape (round, spherical implants):

Illustration comparing breast implant shapes - round and teardrop.

  • Saline – Saline breast implants offer prominent cleavage. One of the popular advantages of saline implants is their safety. If saline implants leak, the contents are naturally absorbed by the body with no adverse consequences. Also, if a rupture does occur, it will cause the implant to deflate, leaving no doubt about their integrity. 
  • Silicone – Silicone breast implants are made from a silicone gel that feels and looks similar to breast tissue. Once settling into the breast pocket, they often produce more natural-looking results. If silicone implants tear, the gel will likely remain in the shell and breast pocket, making it hard to know what has happened without diagnostic imaging. For this reason, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends those with silicone implants have MRIs three years after the procedure and every two years after that.

Nowadays, you have the added option of gummy bear (or teardrop-shaped breast implants).

  • Gummy bear implants have a strong silicone shell, are anatomically (teardrop) shaped, textured, and filled with a cohesive silicone gel that is highly resistant to rupture.

What Are the Benefits of Gummy Bear Breast Implants?

The most apparent advantage of gummy bear implants is their natural shape, but there are other benefits as well:

  • Strength – Gummy bear implants have a thicker shell and are denser than other options. Their strength makes them less likely to rupture, but like their traditional silicone counterparts, regular MRI screenings are recommended.

Infographic explaining gummy bear implants.

Finding a Plastic Surgeon for Your Tear-Drop-Shaped Breast Implant Procedure

If you are considering gummy bear implants, you need a reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon with experience placing them, as gummy bear implants require special skill.

Before you schedule your consultation, research the surgeon thoroughly to ensure they have the skill and experience you deserve.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants in Miami, FL

Dr. Daniel Careaga and Dr. Paul Durand are well-known, respected, board-certified plastic surgeons who regularly perform breast augmentation in Coral Gables, Florida, with teardrop-shaped implants. 

Call our helpful office staff at (305) 960-7511  or fill out our online contact form to learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Careaga or Dr. Durand today!
