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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Mini Abdominoplasty Recovery – Miami Tummy Tuck

Posted September 11, 2015 in Plastic Surgery

After your mini abdominoplasty surgery, your stomach will look toned and tight. But before you can enjoy the benefits of your procedure, it will be vital to take care of your stomach during your mini abdominoplasty recovery process.

Since swelling comes along with any aesthetic surgical procedure, it’s best to anticipate it and take measures to keep it as minimal as possible. When you wear a post-surgical support garment in your abdominal region, this will help support your newly tightened abdominal muscles and aid in ameliorating your swelling. Overall, it will make the mini abdominoplasty recovery process as comfortable as possible.

Dr. Daniel Careaga is a skilled surgeon who has advised numerous patients regarding the right ways to take care of your body during mini abdominoplasty recovery. For more post-surgical directions, consult with Dr. Careaga by contacting our office.
