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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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What to Expect From Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Posted January 07, 2019 in Laser Hair Removal

That excess hair you hate is not going anywhere if all you’re doing is plucking or shaving. Over time, the cost of traditional hair removal methods can be staggering. Instead, convenient and simple laser depilation treatments are the answer you’ve been looking for. With the help of laser hair removal treatments, you’ll be able to get rid of that annoying hair once and for all. While the initial cost is more than the price of a disposable razor or wax appointment, the results are longer lasting and eliminate the need to set aside time to address your unwanted hair on a regular basis.

Advanced Treatment With GentleYAG Pro-U™

Curious about laser hair removal? This high-tech procedure is much more convenient than other options, and it is on the cutting edge of hair removal technology. At Careaga Plastic Surgery, we utilize the revolutionary GentleYAG Pro-U™ laser, the best device on the market. It is a non-invasive technology that, unlike other hair removal lasers, is ideal for all skin tones. GentleYAG Pro-U™  is also equipped with an advanced cooling apparatus that creates a soothing and comfortable experience during the procedure.

How Is Laser Hair Removal Performed?

Laser depilation treatments work through a series of laser energy pulses targeted at the area where the hair grows. Each pulse is quick, taking less than a second. Rather than needing to focus on individual hairs (as with electrolysis), laser pulses affect multiple hairs in a quarter-sized area at once. The hair absorbs the laser energy, which destroys the follicle. A treatment session typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete depending on the size of the area being treated.

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What Results Can I Expect?

After your procedure, apply lotion to the treated areas and be gentle with the skin for the next two days. Additionally, you should make sure to use proper sun protection, as your skin will be sensitive afterward. You may need to return for repeated treatments to get the results you desire. Most patients require three to eight treatment sessions since the laser may not affect all of the hair in the target area.

Contact Us Today

Now that you know more about laser hair removal treatments, it is time to schedule a consultation! To enjoy the benefits of the Gentle YAG Pro-U™ hair removal laser, contact Careaga Plastic Surgery today by calling (305) 960-7511 or by filling out our online contact form.
