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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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How to Treat Facial Spider Veins

Posted September 28, 2018 in Sclerotherapy

How you feel about your appearance can greatly affect how you feel about interacting with people in your day-to-day life. If you aren’t comfortable with how you look, then you might miss out on opportunities in both your professional and personal life.

As we age, sometimes small veins begin to appear on the nose, cheeks, or chin. These can affect both men and women and are considered a normal part of aging, even though they may look unappealing.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins (telangiectasia) are formed when small blood vessels in the skin become permanently dilated. This can be caused by factors such as:

  • Sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Birth control pills
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Pregnancy

What Treatments Are Available?

While spider veins can be covered with makeup, many people would prefer to have them removed permanently. Here at Careaga Plastic Surgery, we offer two types of treatment to help rid you of facial spider veins.


Sclerotherapy involves the injection of Asclera, a sclerosant solution, directly into the affected blood vessel with a fine needle. This solution restricts the blood flow to the inner layer of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse. The collapsed blood vessel will eventually be absorbed by the body and will fade. This treatment is best for small to moderate spider veins and can also be used to treat small varicose veins. Multiple treatment sessions may be required depending on the severity of your spider veins.

Sclerotherapy typically takes 30 minutes to one hour per session. You should avoid strenuous activity and sun exposure for two weeks following your treatment.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is best used for spider veins that are small or located on sensitive areas. Here at Careaga Plastic Surgery, we use Tri-Lase™ laser technology, a combination of laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) therapies. This consists of a combination of light wavelengths that target blood cells in dilated blood vessels. The blood cells absorb the light energy that bypasses the outer layers of the skin. Over time, the immune system absorbs the affected blood vessels and the pigmentation fades.

A treatment session typically takes 15 minutes or less; the length of the treatment depends on the severity of your spider veins. Most patients will require two to three sessions, each spaced one month apart.


The results of both sclerotherapy and laser treatments are permanent. However, other veins may become dilated over time, which would require additional treatments. There are a few side effects associated with both laser and sclerotherapy treatments, such as skin reddening or discoloration, bruising, or blistering. These side effects will dissipate within a few days.

Don’t let spider veins on your face make you feel self-conscious. Contact our office today at (305) 960-7511 to schedule a consultation.
