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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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Liposuction Recovery – Miami Post-Operative Care

Posted July 02, 2015 in Plastic Surgery

The liposuction fat-reduction procedure is an excellent tool for recontouring the body and removing stubborn pockets of excess fat. Because tissue removal is involved, the body will need to experience a period of liposuction recovery and healing.

Following your liposuction procedure, you will experience a degree of swelling and bruising. You will need to wear a post-surgical compression garment over the area in order to keep your swelling down during the liposuction recovery process. After a time, your surgeon will let you know when it’s okay to cease wearing this garment.

Experienced surgeon Dr. Daniel Careaga can explain more about the intricacies of the liposuction recovery process during a consultation at our office. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.
