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Daniel Careaga, MD
Paul Durand, MD
Karl William Schwarz, MD

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How Soon Can You Hit the Beach After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Posted March 23, 2020 in Tummy Tuck

3 Minute Read: 

Women consider tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) in the winter or spring so that they can be recovered enough to bare their smooth and sultry midsections come summer. But correct timing isn’t the only recovery method for hitting the beach with a hotter, alluring, and more vibrant body than last summer.

Patients should practice proper resting, eating, and preventative habits to fully capitalize on their new gains.

Woman walking on beach as someone can do after a tummy tuck.

Keeping scars covered by clothing, scarves, or accessories is a great way to speed the fading process.


Exercise, No Extra Size

Healing speed is not the only thing to worry about when fantasizing about that hot new swimsuit you cannot wait to wear. For a safe and healthy lifestyle, patients and candidates need to understand what activities they can and can not return to before their tummy tuck recovery is complete. 

Exercise is excellent to maintain the results of our procedure for a lifetime of beach-worthy looks and head-turns, but improperly timed or strenuous exercise routines can lead to potential complications or harm. 

Eating Right to Fly Beach Kites 

Giving your body opportunity, time, and space to heal is one of the most crucial steps in your transformation. Abdominoplasty is one of the most effective body contouring procedures available to patients, yet this makes it one of the most intrusive as well. To restore your body to its full vibrancy, try inserting these key elements into your daily dietary habits: 

  • Superfoods: You may have heard the latest craze when it comes to superfoods and their multitude of benefits, but what exactly is a superfood? Superfoods are typically characterized by their abundance of plant-based macro and micronutrients, antioxidants, and cancer-fighting properties. Some also carry probiotics that are beneficial for proper digestion, while others help fight diabetes and heart disease. Superfoods that are high in protein like black beans and kidney beans are some of the most essential for speeding up wound healing and decreasing inflammation. Juicing is also a great option for helping absorb these nutrients more quickly. 
  • Hydrate: Drink water, drink water again, and then drink some more after that. In order to fight inflammation, redness, tenderness, and overall discomfort, our body has to have enough hydration to support organs, chemical processes, and healthy brain activity. Not only is water the majority of what our body needs to regenerate cells, but it is also associated with helping our skin look more vibrant, youthful, and lush. What better way to improve your tummy tuck results than to have a radiant glow that catches attracted eyes? All it takes is a few extra liters and consistent consumption.   

Fade Scars and Be a Remade Star

Patients should also make sure that they keep their tummy tuck incisions out of the sun when they are at the beach. Sunbathing and fresh scars are an unflattering combination if you are looking to see your scars fade sooner. Keeping your scars covered by clothing, scarves, or accessories is a great way to prevent your scar from experiencing prolonged scar worsening. By practicing a healthy relationship with skin maintenance, you will help minimize the visibility of the resulting scar more and more over time.

Tummy tuck before and after

A Before and After Tummy Tuck From Dr. Careaga

Want to Learn More About Tummy Tucks Miami?

If you are looking for one of the best tummy tuck surgeons near the Miami metropolitan area, contact Careaga Plastic Surgery by filling out our online contact form or calling us at (305) 960-7511.
